Please note our Doggy Day Care Program will not be running until further notice

Is your dog home alone too often? Do you need to spend the day away?
Then our Doggy Day Care program is for you.
We offer a fun, structured and professional, activity filled day.
It's all about your four legged friend. We strive to provide your dog with the best day ever! In our off leash areas we let your dog play, explore, learn and have fun with their best fur friends, all under the watchful eye of our well trained staff.
We understand the importance of "Matching personalities" and keeping the groups small at between 6-12 dogs in each group, depending on size, breed and temperament.
Little dogs and nervous dogs play together which allows them to build confidence and trust. This way you can be assured that every dog gets individual attention and has a safe and fun day attending our day care programs.
Group photos will be posted twice per week on our facebook page. If you are wanting special individual photos of you dog, they will be available for purchase through the office.
We provide a local pickup and delivery service that operates Monday to Friday each week.
We also offer a swim in our heated indoor pool for our day care fur kids.
- Puppy Splash Classes - teach your puppy to swim, builds confidence and helps to use up some of that endless puppy energy.
- Puppy Preschool - helps to introduce your puppy to new friends, people and all sorts of puppy friendly obstacles, surfaces and environments.